Safeguarding is the protection of adults and children from harm, abuse or neglect.

We all have the same rights and expectations to independence, respect, choice, fulfilment of our ambitions, to be heard, included, and to have privacy and confidentiality. These expectations are central to the way in which we interact with each other in our life together. Safeguarding involves a range of activities aimed at promoting the individual’s fundamental right to be safe. These include making and maintaining safe environments for all, having processes to follow should something go wrong, and support for everyone involved.

Every church should adopt safeguarding policy statements for children, young people, and adults at risk. London Baptists provides support, advice and training for member churches in this area.  As a national denomination we are committed to excellence in safeguarding (see download below). Our safeguarding lead is Rachel Swaby. For advice, enquiries about training or to report concerns, please contact Rachel in the first instance ( / 07512 196646)

Baptist Union - Gateway to Excellence in Safeguarding 2017

Baptist Union - Model Safeguarding Policy (2017)

If you're interested, get in touch

Rachel Swaby
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